Saturday, November 19, 2016


                                                  GHOSTRIDER PLATOON
 this is the story of ghostrider platoon it is base true and fiction account of a cavscout plt in Iraq  each month I will post a story of there mission on here. it will be like ready a book chapter, I Will post the first mission next week. enjoy.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

all the presidents man

how we went wrong in Iraq, in 2004 my unit rotated to Iraq 1st ID(big red one) general baptise was then our division commander we had just rip the 4th ID he adapted the play book that general patraiest had implemented with the 101AB division small( FOB)work with the locals, help them rebuild there schools ,roads, dig water wells,etc etc, all was going good till the politician put there full hand in the Cooke jar, and screw thing up they had us close all the small fob pull back into these larger bases and watch from a distance. the end result of the stupid decision is what we have now. the Iraq's was not ready for us to let go of their hand yet, they was not ready to stand alone. they still needed a little bit more hand holding, but some one told the president they where ready.(DR,DC, AND ALL THE REST OF THAT TEAM THE MR, BUSH ALLOW TO DESTROYED HIS PRESIDENCIES). all the president men.we last all the foot hold that we had and now he is telling the American people that we need 20.500.00 troops to regain that foot that we just gave away to the insurgence to do all there killing at will to very good people, we had small fob before that all general is doing is going back to what was working back in 04.

all of the young two star general that was there in the early years leading those division were americas best and brightest

1st cav div
1st inf, div
4th inf, div
3rd inf div
101st ab, div
82nd ab,div
2nd inf, div
25th inf div
2nd ad div

mr, bush should have listsen to these guy


Huge force readying crackdown in Baghdad - Yahoo! News

Huge force readying crackdown in Baghdad - Yahoo! News